
Empowering MAS members with the necessary skills to carry out their work and giving them the tools and knowledge to help those around them to develop and grow.


Striving to contribute to the welfare of the whole community by extending Muslim citizens’ volunteer efforts and assistance to people in need, regardless of their ethnicity or religion.


Working with young people to inspire them to understand, apply, and advocate values in the service of the common good. Our core values are service, equality, and justice.


Ramadan Proclamation

Ramadan Proclamation

Sen. Lisa Graftein dist 13 will be making a Proclamation for Ramadan on our behalf, March 04, 2025. Please be there by 3:30 pm to support. Our presence at this event is important for our community.

North Carolina General Assembly

Legislative Building,

16 West Jones Street

Raleigh, NC 27601


Round 2 Dawah

Dawah Training Course

Alhamdulillah, after the overwhelming success of our first run, we are excited to announce the second round of the Dawah Principles and Strategy Workshop.

Join us as we continue this incredible journey of learning and growth. This is your chance to deepen your understanding of Dawah skills.
Register today, first come first served, space is limited!!

Dawah Workshop Nov-6

Dawah Strategy and Principles Workshop

Al Hamdullelah, Monday, November 06, was the final session of the first round for the Dawah Strategy and Principles conducted by Rays of Faith Team at MAS office. Please check our website for information about new workshops.



Our Scouts’ troops aim to develop and prepare committed Muslim youth capable of spreading and giving root to the comprehensive understanding of Islam and to be at the forefront in the development of their communities.

Quran Institue

Quran Institue

Providing high quality and affordable Islamic education to the triangle community for over 10 years.

Adopt a Highway

Adopt a Highway

MAS youth giving back to their community and making our community and streets just a little bit cleaner.

Our Affiliates